Dynamics CRM fails on help content server tests
After deploying Dynamic CRM you may start receiving next errors in application event logs where Help Server role installed:
Monitoring test failed: Test Title: Help Content Server Tests.: Machine: <MACHINE-NAME>: ServerRole: HelpServer
Test Log:
The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at Microsoft.Crm.Monitoring.WebHelpers.GetWebResponse(String webpage, Boolean setCrmAuth, Boolean useProxy, Byte[] postData, Boolean setUserAgent, Int64 dmzPort)
at Microsoft.Crm.Monitoring.WebHelpers.GetWebResponse(String webpage, Boolean setCrmAuth, Boolean useProxy, Byte[] postData, Boolean setUserAgent)
at Microsoft.Crm.Monitoring.Tests.HelpContent.VerifyHelpContent.TestDefaultHelp(TestResult result)
at Microsoft.Crm.Monitoring.Tests.HelpContent.VerifyHelpContent.Execute()
at Microsoft.Crm.Monitoring.Engine.MonitoringRuntime.ExecuteMonitoringTest(MonitoringTestBase test, Int32 attempts)
InnerException Type:System.Net.WebException`
I've spent whole day on this issue trying to make this test work. Taking in mind that actually for all organizations help just works. Long story short: you can't make it work properly in on-premises deployments. It will always run for URL http://localhost//help/default.aspx?area=##WHATSNEW##&user_lcid=1033
The only workaround is to skip this test. Put next file to monitoring folder (%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Monitoring).
Enjoy clean event logs.